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On January 7, 2021, Presidential Election Certification Day in the United States, I viewed scenes from the previous day's Capitol revolt in horror along with millions of other Americans. Reading my daily news feed, I saw photo after photo of a frenzied mob storming our country's most venerated federal building, penetrating its entry points in any way possible, in an attempt to disrupt the House of Representatives' business of officially naming Joe Biden 40th president of the United States. Angry, passion-fueled protestors armed with everything from signs and flags to zip ties, handcuffs, incendiary devices, and firearms had swarmed the building. They scaled walls and balconies, assaulted and pushed past Capitol guards, breached the chamber itself, and reportedly went on the hunt for any elected officials who hadn't managed to flee the building in fear for their lives. Some in the mob were even heard demanding the head of outgoing Vice President ____ Pence, who they by t
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